As you know, my website Fantasy Art and Portraits presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.
Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Oscar Chichoni.
I really like it. Think I will link it to the shimmy site. Pretty powerful statements in each I think.
Marvellous - the compositions are unexpected, there's a deviation from fantasy 'cliches' while managing to continue to interpret within the genre. Nice one.
Excellent stuff. I always like to see work in this genre that steps out of the standard formulaic approach while maintaining a fair degree of illustration and proper figure drawing technique. What can I say? I am a sucker for Loomis.
Not much of an illustrator myself but I do have some nifty t-shirts. Drop by You might get a chuckle. I have a blog on here somewhere too.
Keep up the great work. Love love love this blog,
Sir Sitzalot
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