Monday, March 30, 2009

Worth Visiting - début art

Since 1985, début art (based in London, England and now with offices in New York, Paris, Sydney and Edinburgh) has proactively sought out selected leading contemporary image-makers & clients who create original, progressive and commercially successful media material. Today, début art and the highly artistic illustrators it promotes, are widely regarded, both in the UK and around the world, as representing one of the finest and most contemporary leading talent groupings in the field of illustration.
Mounting truly global marketing programs in the major selected media markets around the world and with illustrators based all over the world, début art is a truly globally sought after creative agency - an agency, we believe, that offers its selected and approved clients all the wisdom and creative wonderment of its truly worldwide illustrators base.

The website offers a useful choose-a-bunch-of-tags interface for sifting through its gallery that's worth toying with. Would be interesting to have this on, say, Blogger.

Debut Art browse-by-tag interface

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