As you know, my website presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.
Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Svetlana Valueva. Her work is in scattered galleries online, mostly with art merchants. A nice site with some of her work is Ten Dreams, which also has a fantasy section that's worth a look through while you're there.
wow, awesome work! great colors, tones and textures!
Keep up the great work!
Hey i like ur site..!! i wanna digg it... but you have too much ads... the text link are annoying...with the bombs and underlines..
Hi Surianee,
Thank you for the feedback on the "bombs" and underlines.
The "bombs" (by SnapShots) are supposed to be little dialogue boxes or screens, and give a preview of where the link takes you, in case people are hesitant about following a link. They do load slowly, however, but you can ignore them and just click on the link.
They did warn that it might be annoying to some, and I guess I'll have to review it's overall usefulness again.
Again, thanks for the feedback.
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