Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Game Art Archive

Hi Everyone!

As you may know, we have mostly been drawing our posts from our archive of video game artwork and screenshots from our website, The Fantasy Art of Computer Games. We are retiring that website this year, and are in the process of moving the posts to its new home, Game Art Archive.

Game Art Archive will post a gallery of artwork, screenshots, or video each day. When we have a game that has a lot of material, the posts may stretch out over several days, or even weeks.
Game Art Archive posts every weekday, including holidays, at 0600h PST.

Ultimately, this blog will also be retired. It will continue on autopilot until all scheduled posts run out. From now on, our attention will basically be on moving material over to Game Art Archive.

Please join us there and enjoy much more video game artwork every day.

Thank you for reading this blog.

Happy New Year!

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