As you know, my website presently showcases the fantasy art of computer games, so there's a lot of art out there that doesn't fit there at the moment. I can, however, introduce it to you on this blog.
Today, I'd like to introduce the art of Jason Chan. In more recent days he has worked with high-profile clients such as White Wolf (World of Warcraft RPG, World of Darkness), and Wizards of the Coast (Magic: The Gathering), and you can see a lot of his beautiful artwork on his site.
Today's post will feature instead some of his earlier work during the period when he was still in San Francisco's Academy of Art University. These can all be found in the "Junk Drawer", the bottom link off his art page.
I would hardly call them junk. The last one is a favorite of mine. It's funny how artists view their own work.
the last is awesome - its in spectrum 13 i think -
*junk? - i think the colour is rich and crisp (digital art right?)
Hi Amy! Hi Stasya! Thank you for your comments!
For everyone else reading this blog, I just want to clarify that on the artist's website, all the way at the bottom of the page, there really is a link that literally reads, "The Junk Drawer". Check it out! (^_^)
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